Saltwater Fishing

Saltwater Fishing

Friday, November 30, 2012

Winter Fishing? (for kids and beginners)

Don't put away your fishing gear just yet. Sometimes the cold weather can produce the most memorable fishing trips. A lot of people quit fishing in the winter because they don't catch fish. It's not that the fish aren't feeding, it's just that they're not where you're used to catching them, and they may not be able to see your lure as well. When the water gets colder, and the days get darker, fish in reservoirs like our Central Coast lakes are more likely to be suspended in deeper water. The cold surface temperatures drive the fish deeper, but the low light penetration brings the zooplankton, and consequently the baitfish, higher up in the water column. Crappie, Sunfish, and Bass will suspend near these depths. In these deeper waters, and darker days, the fish will rely more on their lateral line than their vision to find prey. The lateral line is actually a sense organ which allows fish to detect vibrations in the water. Even a tiny nymph swimming in the lake will create vibrations that tell a fish its size, how fast it's swimming, or if it's injured. Too much vibration could spook the fish. Remember, also, that the colder temperatures will slow their metabolism. So, they won't want to swim too far for a meal. 

The fish are still there. They still have to eat. You just have to find the right depth, and convince them your lure is alive. Fish on!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Ultralight gear

I've been catching bass on ultralight gear, dropshotting nymphs and Texas rigging nightcrawlers on 4 lb. test.

Monday, October 22, 2012

Cottonwood Dock

Bass are gorging themselves on shad and small panfish, but they'll still suck in a nymph if it's right in front of their nose.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Lopez Update

Haven't posted in a while because my laptop crashed. Lots of bass, redear, and crappie being caught at Lopez. This smallmouth ate a red nymph!

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Did I mention that the bass were spawning at Lake Santa Margarita?

Crappie Jigs

We've been catching crappie at the F-Dock using Bobby Garland 2" jigs, and bass seem to like them too. Walmart has a good imitation of this jig for less than $2/ 6 pack.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Winter Panfish

Sorry I haven't posted in a while. Having some computer issues. Still catching panfish, but the water is cold and the fish are deep. You might want to slow down your presentation, and it wouldn't hurt to "cheat" a little by tipping your flies or jigs with a waxworm.